Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ohvist on image #2203708


"[@Background Pony #D767":](/images/2203708#comment_9640729
About that "Safety of her kingdom"... it still confirms that Equestria is indeed a kingdom that is Celestia-centric in every way possible. It's foreign dealings, treatment of other races, etc. all revolve around Celestia in some fashion or other, and due to having been in control over it for 1000 years, what makes you think that it will survive into Twilights' reign?

It doesn't as the G5 movie attests to. As Joshua Graham once said: _*"Only Caesar can lead the Legion."_* And with how little in the way Twilight was effectively trained in running the government as shown by The Royal Swannifying, and how she seems to have no self-determination since becoming a Princess, and how she hasn't tried to do anything except nod and agree to whatever is said; and that Celestias' constant approval of saying that "You will Play Your Part" can be uplifting, but in another way show that it is just hollow words motivated by a mare that cares only for Destiny. It isn't much of a surprise that Twilight Sparkle is nothing more than just a puppet at this point due to how she is so impressionable to agree to whatever is said at her face regardless of how valid it even is.



> *
"The Legion dies with Caesar. What follows is the last steps of a man who does not yet realize, that he is walking dead..."_
-Joshua Graham, _*Fallout: New Vegas_[/bq]*
No reason given
Edited by Ohvist