Viewing last 25 versions of comment by BigOnionbean on image #2267678

Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emu War veteran..
"[@Background Pony #4144":](/images/2267678#comment_8791971
You'd be right to assume such mate. During the time that I had commissioned him I was willing to pay extra which he did charge me for when doing my comics at a faster rate which he did. However it was after the third commission that on Furrafinity that I joked about his ability as an artist based on a mix of info he told me regarding his next availability and his next journal post which gave contrasting information making his words to me seem false in some regards. So I decided to joke about it at his expense, which resulted in his easily getting offended complaining about my commentary. We exchanged a bit and I told the guy not to take my stuff to heart, but he refused to listen, rather deciding to double down not just on his claims as a proffessional artist and such but also as my social/ideological superior, dissing me as some "kid" as he liked to call me.

Combine that with the flat out banning of me on all accounts and temporarily access from all the content I already own that was illustrated by him I was able to demand he give the rights of the product to me since I purchased it which he eventually did albeit behind a snarky demseaning attitude.
No reason given
Edited by BigOnionbean
Twinkling Balloon - Took part in the 2021 community collab.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Emu War veteran..
"@Background Pony #4144":/images/2267678#comment_8791971
You'd be right to assume such mate. During the time that I had commissioned him I was willing to pay extra which he did charge me for when doing my comics at a faster rate which he did. However it was after the third commission that on Furrafinity that I joked about his ability as an artist based on a mix of info he told me regarding his next availability and his next journal post which gave contrasting information making his words to me seem false in some regards. So I decided to joke about it at his expense, which resulted in his easily getting offended complaining about my commentary. We exchanged a bit and I told the giuy not tio take my stuff to heart, bute he refused to listen, rather deciding to double down not just on his claims as a proffessional artist and such but also as my social/ideological superior, dissing me as some "kid" as he liked to call me.

Combine that with the flat out banning of me on all accounts and temporarily access from all the content I already own that was illustrated by him I was able to demand he give the rights of the product to me since I purchased it which he eventually did albeit behind a snarky demsaning attitude.
No reason given
Edited by BigOnionbean