Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #07AB on image #2389839

Background Pony #07AB

Ah, but there is no line separating the violent protesters from the peaceful ones as they all wave the same flag.[/bq]

I mean there's the line that gets made self-evident when someone does violent things in contravention to the _*actual message of a movement_*, but sure, let's pretend that "waving the same flag" automatically makes it impossible to tell, because pieces of cloth are invisibility cloaks for self-evident individual behavior apparently.



What about the nazis who didn't want any part of what hitler was selling, but had no choice because germany was in such a poor state after WW1? What about the ones who wanted no part of the terror tactics and the killing? Well you don't hear about those much, do you? Yet they still existed and the flag they were flying is the one we're having this discussion over and they were blamed for the atrocities just as much as the ones who actually were doing them.[/bq]

You know what those "good" (lol) Nazis didn't do that screwed them? _*They didn't kick out the bad ideas._
The Nazi party became what it was because the people who wanted it to be something else failed to take control of removing the policies and the people they knew were wrong and harmful.
Your very example of "Nazis who didn't want terror and killing" speaks to the exact importance of disavowing and rejecting the things trying to turn the core message of your community/movement into something you don't want.



As for pride, have you been watching how many pride pushers and supporters are getting outed as sexual predators and groomers?[/bq]

Have you noticed how those predators are getting deservedly dragged by their communities when they get exposed?
Man it's almost like those communities are practicing what they preach about not tolerating the presence of people who turn out to be toxic problems.
Also, whataboutism.
Also also, what Skoon said about these comparisons being careless and tone-deaf. "BLM and Pride movements are the _*real_* Nazis!" Tolerance is the _*real_* hate! Up is the _*real_* down! Light is the _*real_* dark!
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #07AB