Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #C899 on image #2539940

Background Pony #C899
I recently made the very grave mistake of trying to discuss this show in an MCU forum.

Something I deeply regret.

I can
't believe people can get so bent out of shape over a fucking TV show. Say something that goes against what they consider "canon", and they turn into raging assholes.

It kind of makes me wanna hate the show, b
ut I know I shouldn't blame the show itself for its fanboys.

I know what I'm saying kind of sounds lik
e "Fame and Misfortune", but all I did was say something that went against what the MCU fanboys consider "canon", and they went to town on my ass, so maybe there's truth in that episode.

his is, by the way, why I stay as far away from the whole "should the Mane Six have offered redemption to the Legion of Doom" argument. I don't want to say anything that anyone can xtake the wrong way.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C899
Background Pony #C899
I recently made the very grave mistake of trying to discuss this show in an MCU forum.

Something I deeply regret.

I can't believe people can get so bent out of shape over a fucking TV show. Say something that goes against what they consider "canon", and they turn into raging assholes.

It kind of makes me wanna hate the show, but I know I shouldn't blame the show itself fromr its fanboys.

I know what I'm saying kind of sounds like "Fame and Misfortune", but all I did was say something that went against what the MCU fanboys consider "canon", and they went to town on my ass, so maybe there's truth in that episode.

This is, by the way, why I stay as far away from the whole "should the Mane Six have offered redemption to the Legion of Doom" argument. I don't want to say anything that anyone can take the wrong way.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C899
Background Pony #C899
I recently made the very grave mistake of trying to discuss this show in an MCU forum.

WSomethichng quickly,I brutally reminded me whply I don't commrent on Youtubgret.

I can't believe people can get so bent out of shape over a fucking TV show. Say something that goes against what they consider "canon", and they turn into raging assholes.

It kind of makes me wanna hate the show, but I know I shouldn't blame the show itself from its fanboys.

I know what I'm saying kind of sounds like "Fame and Misfortune", but all I did was say something that went against what the MCU fanboys consider "canon", and they went to town on my ass, so maybe there's truth in that episode.

This is, by the way, why I stay as far away from the whole "should the Mane Six have offered redemption to the Legion of Doom" argument. I don't want to say anything that anyone can take the wrong way.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C899
Background Pony #C899
I recently made the very grave mistake of trying to discuss this show in a forum.

Which quickly, brutally reminded me why I don't comment on Youtube.

I can't believe people can get so bent out of shape over a fucking TV show. Say something that goes against what they consider "canon", and they turn into raging assholes.

It kind of makes me wanna hate the show, but I know I shouldn't blame the show itself from its fanboys.

I know what I'm saying kind of sounds like "Fame and Misfortune", but all I did was say something that went against what the MCU Stfanboys consider "canon", and they wenbt to town on my ass, so maybe there's truth in that episode.

This is, by the way, why I stay as far away from the whole "should the Mane Six have offered redemption to the Legion of Doom" argument. I don't want to say anything that anyone can take the wrong way.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #C899