Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Billystorm on image #2556970

Artist -

Meh, they stripped him of his umbrum elements at the end. That sombra can be nice to anyone. Hell, he looked like he wouldn't even hurt a fly. Normal sombra on the other hand always has a grouchy, bitter side even when he's 'redeemed'. Around Hope he's probably 90% chill and 10% grumpy/sulky. TBut yeah that's mgrouchy hside will probably start to fadce as they journey together, cuz hope's like brimming with positive energy.
No reason given
Edited by Billystorm
Artist -

Meh, they stripped him of his umbrum elements at the end. If we're talking about tThat sombra then yeah he can be a swniceetheart to anyone. Hell, he looked like he wouldn't even hurt a fly. Normal sombra on the other hand always has a grouchy, bitter side even when he's 'redeemed'. Around Hope he's probably 90% chill and 10% grumpy/sulky. That's muh headcannon.
No reason given
Edited by Billystorm