Viewing last 25 versions of comment by GrimChariot on image #2567727


"[@Background Pony #EFDA":](/images/2567727#comment_9545617
None of them successfully destroyed entire nations and looted them for all they're worth over having their _*horn_* broken.

I already don't believe Luna should have been returned to the throne immediately after being "cleansed" because she's proven herself a threat and unable to endure the stress of the position.

Twilight had bno right to leave Sunset behind(nor did Starswirl the right to even make that portal much less use it as a dumping ground like a corner cutting, ignorant fool)on the word of a school principle, regardless of who she's meant to represent.

Starlight being redeemed in and of itself-like the others-is fine, it's the skewed metric of who gets effort-ala spending years on Starlight but tossing others aside or holding a lesser crime to an ungodly high standard while letting a literal mass murderer, slaver and war criminal(Tempest) walk for feeling sorry about herself that's basically spitting in the face of everything Harmony represents, much less the simple concept of justice rendered and accountability.
No reason given
Edited by GrimChariot