Viewing last 25 versions of comment by stemo on image #2666983


"[@Background Pony #747E":](/images/2666983#comment_9737849
It seems like immortals and such in MLP continue to grow and never stop.
This could be problematic for Celestia as some have humorously pointed out,
but it is strange how this holds true for so many races. The only exception
I can think off of the top of my head are the dragons with Ember being leader
and one of the smallest. Will Ember follow suite?
No reason given
Edited by stemo

"@Background Pony #747E":/images/2666983#comment_9737849
It seems like immortals and such in MLP continue to grow and never stop.
This could be problematic for Celestia as some have humorously pointed out,
but it is strange how this holds true for so many races. The only exception
I can think off off the top of my head are the dragons with Ember being leader
and one of the smallest. Will Ember follow suite?
No reason given
Edited by stemo