Viewing last 25 versions of comment by jdb1984 on image #2674322


"[@Spiritus Arcane":](/images/2674322#comment_9751769
) Arcane"] 

" [@Background Pony #0C76":](/images/2674322#comment_9751550
Yeah I was about to say the same. Though my question now is what status would someone born of a Loyal and one of the other two have? It's probably officially forbidden, which makes it likely that they'd get one of the lesser statuses. [/bq]

You can only marry someone in your bloodline status. Anyone who tries otherwise will have both immediately be brought down to traitor status.

That said, if two traitor status marry and have a child, then one of them does something to become a redeemed blood, the spouse and child will be elevated to redeemed along with them.
No reason given
Edited by jdb1984