Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #DD62 on image #2768058

Background Pony #DD62
[@Darth Sonic](/images/2768058#comment_9925330)

And yet Luna's swimsuit is cuter.

And she paid for it in sunburns.

[@Background Pony \#C9A5](/images/2768058#comment_9924540)
>>513011t ![](
Chest boobs are more canon than crotch boobs on the show. Fight me ~~not really I bruise really easily~~.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #DD62
Background Pony #DD62
[@Darth Sonic](/images/2768058#comment_9925330)

And yet Luna's swimsuit is cuter.

And she paid for it in sunburns.

[@Background Pony \#2E11C9A5](/images/2768058#comment_9924629540)
Chest boobs are more canon than crotch boobs on the show. Fight me ~~not really I bruise really easily~~.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #DD62
Background Pony #DD62
[@Darth Sonic](/images/2768058#comment_9925330)

And yet Luna's swimsuit is cuter.

And she paid for it in sunburns.

[@Background Pony \#2E11](/images/2768058#comment_9924629)
Chest boobs are more canon than crotch boobs on the show. Fight me ~~not really I bruise really easily~~.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #DD62