Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Garden Tinker on image #2881551

Garden Tinker
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Titters Intermittently
That makes a lot of sense... And gives me another appreciation for the line style in general. I should look into using it a little more...

Also, sorry for this response being so far out! I swear I had the notifications opened in tabs at one point, but then had to deal with a series of system crashes that kept losing my tabs, so they kind of got lost in the aether for a while...  \^_\^;
No reason given
Edited by Garden Tinker
Garden Tinker
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -

Titters Intermittently
That makes a lot of sense... And gives me another appreciation for the line style in general. I should look into using it a little more...

Also, sorry for this response being so far out! I swear I had the notifications opened in tabs at one point, but then had to deal with a series of system crashes that kept losing my tabs, so they kind of got lost in the aether for a while... \^_\^;
No reason given
Edited by Garden Tinker