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Background Pony #8EAE
Monday, April 10th, Maritime Bay Police department

culprit name: Misty Brightdawn

interrogator: Shariff Hitch Trailblazer assisted by Deputy Zephyrina Storm

transcriber: Izzy Moonbow

interrogation start time: 11:42 PM

----Interrogation log Start----

Hitch: I hope we are not causing you too much distress today, it's not that we think you're a bad pony this situation is just... complicated... you understand right?

Misty: yes, I understand, part of me is trying to piece it together too
(note: that at this point Misty was averting her gaze)

Hitch: have you had enough to eat? I notice that you didn't complete the meal we offered

Misty: I'm fine.. I am alright I'm just... not so used to eating that much all at once

Hich: I understand, a friend of mine recently went through an boueating disof anordexiar, you can just take things slow as you want, no one is forcing you to eat

Misty: no, I want to eat I just... well when you go so long only eating a bare minimum you need to survive you kinda get used to that kind of diet... I'll eat more later... I am fine right now

Hich: okay, just know that I am going to be asking you a lot of personal questions, things I want you to remember to the best of your abilities, understand?

Misty: I completely understand, I kinda just want to move past this

Hich: completely understandable I will start when you are ready

Misty: yes, I am ready

Hich: what is the first thing you remember about the events of yesterday

Misty:... well after Opaline woke me up she made me wear makeup so she didn't have to see the bruises

Hitch: how did you get those bruises?

Misty: well, she used to beat me most of the time, other times I got bruises from tripping over myself trying to clean her castle or trying to sneak around this town to gather information

Hich: how long has this been going on?

Misty: the labor or the spying?

Hitch: I was actually referring to the beating but those two things would also be useful information

Misty: oh about when I was just about becoming an adult so I would say 10 or so moons give or take would be when I started working around the castle and when she... she started to... beat me... and 5 moons ago I started spying for her
(Note: she started to tear up)

Hich: it's okay, I'm sorry, therecalm is no need to crywn
(Note: Hich offers her a tissue witch she grabs and dries her tears with before blowing her nose)

Misty: no, I'm sorry, I should have done something earlier I'm just so stupid!

Hich: no no, your not stupid at all, you just couldn't see a better way at the time... now I am going to let you cry some, when your ready I would like to continue

Misty: okay

(note: it took roughly 6 minutes for her to stop crying )

Misty: okay I'm good

Hich: are you sure?

Misty: yes, I am good to continue

Hich: okay good... now what did she need you to spy on us for?

Misty: what does that matter now? she's dead

Hich: I know, just want to know so that we can be better prepared for ponies like her in the future

Misty: well... she had me spy on your group in general, she wanted to make Sunny an Alicorn, she wanted to get access to the three gems you keep in your tower, and she wanted to kidnap your dragon

Hich: wait my Sparky? what did she want with him!?
(note: this information caused Hich some distress)

Misty: she wanted the raw magic potential he had, not sure how she would have extracted it, I was assuming force feeding him beans or something

Hich: ... okay, that is enough questions on her intentions, now, tell me about... the incident

Misty: I-I don't know if I can

Hich: you need to, it's alright, just take a deep breath

Misty: okay

(note: she took a few deep breaths before she was ready to speak again)

Misty: she was sending me on a mission as she prepared dinner, she turned around to cook her portion of the meal when I noticed she left... left her knife on the cutting board... I don't know if she didn't think I could, didn't think I would, or was just absent-minded but... but....
(Note: she started to hyperventilate)

Hich: calm down, calm down I am here for you
(note: Hich held her hoof gently to help calm her)

Hich: it's not my job to judge you, just tell me what happened

Misty: I picked up the knife and I stabbed her in the leg, she went down there was blood everywhere but it was like I didn't care anymore, I went right for her throat, I just kept stabbing and stabbing and stabbing and stabbing
(note: she was making repeated stabbing motions in the air)

Zephyrina: woah woah woah okay okay calm down we get it
(note: Zephyrina held Misty close with her arms and wings it seemed to calm Misty more)

Zephyrina: what happened after?

Misty: well... after I realized what I did I just ran away, I didn't care if I was covered in blood I ran in a panic, I wanted to be as far away from that place as possible

Hich: and that's when I found you and arrested you on the spot

Misty: that scared me so much, I tried to punch and kick you, I thought I was going to get in trouble for killing Opaline

Hich: it's alright I just thought you were a crazed murdere-

Zephyrina: hitch!

Hitch: sorry, I was acting fast and didn't want to take the chance that you might hurt others

Misty: it's okay... I wasn't planning on it... I just... I just wanted to leave that place

Zephyrina: it's alright Misty, your free to go

Hich: woah! woah! you can't just do that! we need to at least run this through the proper channels first!

Zephyrina: I don't think the Mayor needs to know about this, she's just a poor abused mare that ran away from her abuser. we can let her off the hook, right?

Hich:... you promise you are not planning on hurting anyone else right?

Misty: of course not, killing Oppaline was traumatic enough, I can't imagine doing the same thing to anyone else

Hich: well... I think that is good enough for me
(note: Hitch looked exhausted at this point, he really needed a break)

Hich: you are free to go, just obay the laws, we will work on getting you citizenship in the morning

Zephyrina: great, you can stay with us until then, I'll let you use my bed I'm fine on the couch

Misty: it's alright, I am alright with the couch

Zephyrina: nonsense, after all you've been though it's the least I could do
(note: they kinda left earshot at this point)

Hitch: Izzy, make note the interrogation ended at 11:56 PM and lets get some pizza for tonight okay?

----Interegation log End----
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8EAE