Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Barry Tone on image #3210195

Barry Tone
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
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Needs to know Hebrew.

Ah. I suppose that if there are no tomatoes in it at all but it's purely pumpkin puree based, it might not be all that bad. I'm actually curious about what a recipe for it would be like.

No, pPerhaps "Pumpkin Spice Pasta Sauce" would not be the best thing ever, but I enjoy oddities on occasion (and I count this as one.) I made Parsnip Pie once just to try it since it was such an odd thing to think about. Its flavor was alright, but it was stringy. I didn't have Parsnip Puree, I only had Parsnips, so I did what I could with what I had. Maybe I didn't stick the Puree in a Blender, although I should have? I think I just mashed it all up.
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Edited by Barry Tone