Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #0DD6 on image #363444

Background Pony #0DD6
) " 

> [
@Background Pony #FAAF":](/363444#comment_6825790
Nope. Checking the tag counts, not only does Soarin' beat him, but third place is actually _*Caramel_*, of all ponies. And that's assuming you don't count R63 ships, otherwise Rainbow Blitz jumps in ahead too.

@"[applemac":]( 780

> [
applespike":]( 515

> [
carajack":]( 239

> [
soarinjack":]( 166

> [
appleblitz (straight):":]( 110

> [
braejack":]( 98@

Okay, fair point.
But, firstly, artists and their commissioners are not the only shippers in the fandom, nor do their opinions represent the opinions of the majority of the remainder of the fandom.
Secondly, I was actually referring to "[PinkieJack."](/tags/applepie
(PS I know that the official tag for that ship is "ApplePie", but I'm not fond of that ship name, 'cause it could be applied to a ship between almost any two members of their families.)
PPS On Derpibooru, if you’re linking to something that’s also on Derpibooru, you can just omit everything up to the ".org" and the link will still work fine.[/spoiler]||
Reason: Forgot a colon.
Edited by Background Pony #0DD6
Background Pony #0DD6
[bq="Scrounge"] "@Background Pony #FAAF":/363444#comment_6825790
Nope. Checking the tag counts, not only does Soarin' beat him, but third place is actually _Caramel_, of all ponies. And that's assuming you don't count R63 ships, otherwise Rainbow Blitz jumps in ahead too.

@"applemac": 780
"applespike": 515
"carajack": 239
"soarinjack": 166
"appleblitz (straight):": 110
"braejack": 98@
Okay, fair point.
But, firstly, artists and their commissioners are not the only shippers in the fandom, nor do their opinions represent the opinions of the majority of the remainder of the fandom.
Secondly, I was actually referring to "PinkieJack."/tags/applepie
(PS I know that the official tag for that ship is "ApplePie", but I'm not fond of that ship name, 'cause it could be applied to a ship between almost any two members of their families.)
[spoiler]PPS On Derpibooru, if you’re linking to something that’s also on Derpibooru, you can just omit everything up to the ".org" and the link will still work fine.[/spoiler]
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #0DD6