Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #8DB9 on image #394129

Background Pony #8DB9
I have been depressed for over twenty years now, and I have absolutely no hope left. How unlikely it is it that there exists _*anything_* that could make my life worthwhile, when so much has been tried and so much has been lost already? At this point only people who can even pretend there's any hope for me are the people who don't know me.

It has come to the point where every time I meet a new therapist and explain my situation, I know what their responses are going to be before they even say them. Everything that can be said has been said already, and it's all just same meaningless cliches that they *know* to be cliches but repeat in the hopes that their patient hadn't thought of them yet. I have seriously considered writing a book of them and their refutations to save time, but I have so little hopes of anyone reading it that I haven't bothered. It took me a week to bother even responding here.
At this point I'm alive only be
cause I can't die, and I fully believe in quantum immortality because of how impossible it is to be freed from this cursed life. This is literally how I would design hell.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8DB9