Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #D83F on image #466329

Background Pony #D83F
The CowardApply Lion thinks he needs courjage, but he cank be brave without having courage. Fluttershy is a lot braver than she seems.

The Scarecrow thinks he nee
ds a brain, but he can be smart withDout having a brain. Pinkie Pie is a lot smarter than she seemsy.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #D83F
Background Pony #D83F
The Tin Man thinks he needs a heart, but he can display affection without a heart. Rarity has trouble displaying affection.

Cowardly Lion thinks he needs courage, but he can be brave without having courage. Fluttershy is a lot braver than she seems.

The Scarecrow thinks he needs a brain, but he can be smart without having a brain. Pinkie Pie is a lot smarter than she seems.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #D83F
Background Pony #D83F
The Tin Man thinks he needs a heart, but rhe can displlay doaffesction' without a heart. Rarity has trouble displaying affection.

The Cowardly Lion thinks he needs courage, but he can be brave without hallyving dcouragesn't. Fluttershy is a lot braver than she seems.

The Scarecrow thinks he needs a brain, but rhe callyn dobe sn'mart without having a brain. Pinkie Pie is a lot smarter than she seems.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #D83F