Viewing last 25 versions of comment by softland on image #757962


Does it still work nowadays ?
But still you shouldn't have to do this kind of thing.

I had a hellish e
xperience with skype in companies, this software is one of the biggest security holes that I had (server firewall experience) in the end we rented a server for 7$ a month and installed jitsi on it.

They aren't intrusive (for skype) in the way that they don't disturb your day to day use of computers that is true.
But please understand that there is more to a computer to what you can just see with your eyes.
At the beginning of the internet adds were very simple just add this image and that was all (a bit simplified)
Now, adds are bots, who tries to retrieve information about you from anything in your browser and then will communicate with other servers to have more informations via correlation of what it as already gained on you and make a fingerprint of your habits so it can target what is best thing add it can give to you.

This must seem paranoid to people who don't have the habit to work in it but it goes further than that because all this +private+ data that is yours doesn't use secure protocols (https for e
xmaple) and other entities (some are add companies others are more mallveilant) can sniff the data that these bots gather from you and use it.

It can go pretty far for example the case of the facebook teen girl who was pregnant and adds hinted her father and he discovered that she was indeed pregnant.

Honestly I prefer to give 1$ or 2$ per month (multiply this by the umber of people on the site) than to be tracked.

If you want more know more on that look here
and here

"@Background Pony #9904":/757962#comment_5210756
Windows 7 ? ok why not, but XP is just asking to be beaten to death by some bot.
I don't think that there is a good reason to stay on a microsoft platform now.

Libre software works and their are replacements for everything, even for games.

Microsoft still has security problems because of two things, first the nsa that asks to put backdoor in everything pieces of software and hardware in existence
(for hardware evidence look at these links:
and for the second one
is simply because microsoft windows development is chaotic.
Why ?
Well lots of accumulated reasons
-They want to do their way while the server world goes another (logical and secure) way.
-They focus on features instead of trying to stabilize their already existing piece of code.
-They have compatibility with software from 20 + years who isn't under development anymore, that's why you can upgrade from MS-Dos to windows 10.

This just reveals the horrible system that it is (technically) because having this much dependencies is just horrifying, even in the gnu movement we don't have that (anymore), if they wanted to change this it would take decades because of this and they tried with vista and it took six year to have the turd that is vista, vista isn't actually finished neither windows 7,8 and 10 they abandoned everything because it was to much work, because they lost lots of information and people over the years.

-Developers don't know how it works (it is unfortunate that I can't give you the logs) but they don't really know how it works they just ad features over features, they only correct when someone founds a bug, they don't do audits.

That's why they are turning over free/libre software for their server cloud solution, because they know that they can't with the actual windows.
Reason: deleting because cloudfalre is missing with me and it makes double posts
Edited by softland

Does it still work nowadays ?
But still you shouldn't have to do this kind of thing.

I had a hellish experience with skype in companies, this software is one of the biggest security holes that I had (server firewall experience) in the end we rented a server for 7$ a month and installed jitsi on it.

They aren't intrusive (for skype) in the way that they don't disturb your day to day use of computers that is true.
But please understand that there is more to a computer to what you can just see with your eyes.
At the beginning of the internet adds were very simple just add this image and that was all (a bit simplified)
Now, adds are bots, who tries to retrieve information about you from anything in your browser and then will communicate with other servers to have more informations via correlation of what it as already gained on you and make a fingerprint of your habits so it can target what is best thing add it can give to you.

This must seem paranoid to people who don't have the habit to work in it but it goes further than that because all this +private+ data that is yours doesn't use secure protocols (https for exmaple) and other entities (some are add companies others are more mallveilant) can sniff the data that these bots gather from you and use it.

It can go pretty far for example the case of the facebook teen girl who was pregnant and adds hinted her father and he discovered that she was indeed pregnant.

Honestly I prefer to give 1$ or 2$ per month (multiply this by the umber of people on the site) than to be tracked.

If you want more know more on that look here
and here

"@Background Pony #9904":/757962#comment_5210756
Windows 7 ? ok why not, but XP is just asking to be beaten to death by some bot.
I don't think that there is a good reason to stay on a microsoft platform now.

Libre software works and their are replacements for everything, even for games.

Microsoft still has security problems because of two things, first the nsa that asks to put backdoor in everything pieces of software and hardware in existence
(for hardware evidence look at these links:
and for the second one
is simply because microsoft windows development is chaotic.
Why ?
Well lots of accumulated reasons
-They want to do their way while the server world goes another (logical and secure) way.
-They focus on features instead of trying to stabilize their already existing piece of code.
-They have compatibility with software from 20 + years who isn't under development anymore, that's why you can upgrade from MS-Dos to windows 10.

This just reveals the horrible system that it is (technically) because having this much dependencies is just horrifying, even in the gnu movement we don't have that (anymore), if they wanted to change this it would take decades because of this and they tried with vista and it took six year to have the turd that is vista, vista isn't actually finished neither windows 7,8 and 10 they abandoned everything because it was to much work, because they lost lots of information and people over the years.

-Developers don't know how it works (it is unfortunate that I can't give you the logs) but they don't really know how it works they just ad features over features, they only correct when someone founds a bug, they don't do audits.

That's why they are turning over free/libre software for their server cloud solution, because they know that they can't with the actual windows.
No reason given
Edited by softland