Do Not Post List

The Frowning Pony

13 blinks per minute
||If you find images from someone on this list that violate the DNP, please report it.
-> Any and all pay-for content from fandom artists unless publicly and freely released
Wait at least one week before uploading anything with a “pay what you want” scheme (if “what you want” includes nothing).
No Edits:
-> amazin-a - No unauthorized edits
-> arnachy / bally-vhern / geeflakes - no unauthorized edits
-> burstfire - No unauthorized edits
-> ced75 - No unauthorized edits
-> chebut
-> CloakedBanshee - No unauthorized edits
-> CobaltSnow - No unauthorized edits
-> dantewontdie - No explicit edits
-> demonfox
-> egophiliac - No editing images into OCs
-> furrgroup - No fetish edits / No edits insulting other people
-> icesticker - No unauthorized edits
-> inlucidreverie - No unauthorized edits
-> jack-a~~lynn ~~ No unauthorized edits
-> klavinova
-> KRD - No unauthorized edits
-> kristanni20x6 - No unauthorized edits
-> kul - No unauthorized edits
-> kuren247 - No edits/recolors without artist permission
-> ladypixelheart - No unauthorized edits
-> LoreHoshi - No explicit edits
-> madhotaru - No unauthorized edits
-> Maxis
-> Megaherts - Only for edits involving OCs
-> mimimonlon
-> ncmares - No explicit edits
-> nom-sympony
-> nxzc88 - No unauthorized edits
-> ogaraorcynder
-> pia-sama - No unauthorized edits
-> ponymadsaga - No unauthorized edits
-> qtluna - No unauthorized edits, artist or Shikogo upload only
-> Ralek/Dileak - no edits without permission
-> raps - No explicit edits
-> reashi
-> saby - No unauthorized edits (unless uploaded by user Ihmislehma)
-> SaltedTea - No edited work
-> scorpdk - No cropped or character change edits, no edits
-> s.guri
-> Skullman777 - no unauthorized edits, artist upload only
-> skutchi - No editing to add / replace OCs
-> söß’cken - No unauthorized edits, artist upload only
-> the-knick
-> W300 - No unauthorized edits
-> WhiteDiamonds / RarijackDaily - No unauthorized edits
-> Wild-Mint
-> zapplebow - No explicit edits
-> Zharkaer - No unauthorized edits
-> Zmei-Kira
Artist Upload Only:
-> alvrexadpot
-> Ando
-> arieltodd
-> artificial-thunder
-> askhypnoswirl - Upload by VinylDarkscratch only
-> Astori-a
-> BigMackintosh
-> bluekazenate
-> Brainiac / ibrainwashedyou
-> brickfromhatena / h0rnycorn
-> cwossie - upload of cosplay photos by artist only, arts are fine
-> DJDavid98
-> eulicious
-> EyesoreForTheBlind
-> Fabicakes13/Niniibear
-> fiji-firefox
-> Floots
-> Foxtaile
-> freebird11
-> -fuchs-
-> ikuntyphoon / TaraAndTwiFan
-> klavinova - upload by artist or with permission only
-> kurikia
-> lahome13
-> Latios381 / souldewlatios / soul-dew-latios
-> le chat tombe de la fenêtre
-> legoguy9875
-> lovexparody
-> LucidDream
-> LuckyBass13 / MlpCutePic - LuckyBass13 or by mrdoctorderpy / northern haste
-> LunarMarshmallow / LunarChow
-> maareep / fluffly-bun
-> Mabu
-> Mang
-> mcponyponypony / emcee - Upload by artist only as of July 2016
-> meb90
-> Meer / norkko
-> merengae - upload by artist or with permission only
-> minamina
-> mrdoctorderpy
-> Nauth
-> HedgehogNinja94
-> htfcuddles - upload by artist or with permission only
-> TheLegitimantis
-> microdude87 / skunkdude13
-> neomen12
-> NichiTsukinoko
-> Owlestyle / Owlisun
-> Paddercat
-> Paptoi / SketchBliss / VidFox
-> peachiekeenie
-> Pegasusexpress2010
-> Peridotkitty / Valkyriepony
-> Perlas
-> perplexia - No unathorized edts
-> phelorena / phelopon
-> PicklePieCow - upload by artist or with permission only
-> Poisewritik - upload by artist or with permission only
-> Ponies47
-> ponymadsaga
-> prof / prof549
-> qtluna - upload by artist or Shikogo only
-> Rainbow-Hooves
-> Regxy / regenbogenflitzer
-> RileyThompson24
-> Rubber
-> saby - Artist upload only as of July 2016.
-> sasukex125
-> ShowtimeandCoal
-> SJArt117/MonkFishyAdopts
-> snowmansbunny / BunnyCat / SweetKeyDani
-> sweetfilthyfun / muddyhooves
-> Tarakas (PrincessFluttershy)
-> the-park (As of Jan 24, 2016)
-> Verminshy
-> WinterHooves
-> Zef
With Permission Only:
If there’s something from someone here you want to upload, check with them first.
-> AaronKidney14
-> BlazedPony
-> bluebrush09
-> bluekazenate
-> BrownieComicWriter - Upload with permission only within a day of posting at source
-> Buntea
-> buttbadger / TrappyTickles
-> CamalieManic
-> catlion3 / furbrony
-> classiccola / mtotheaggie
-> clouddoodles
-> cyberhare
-> Daf
-> dj-xyclone - granted permission to abzde
-> dudewazzup
-> ghost-peacock
-> gloriaus
-> hellasexual
-> ireneubik
-> jellociraptor
-> khimi-chan
-> kimmyrose123
-> kisk76
-> Kozmotis
-> MarieRG/imarieu
-> MLPCutePic - Images with a “link” mark of protection are only to be uploaded by Joshua
-> MissMooButt / Moobuttt
-> neoceltia
-> nerdymexicanunicorn
-> Noben - images may only be uploaded by Arcade Fever
-> northernsprint
-> oblivionheart13
-> Onikashi
-> pasu-chan
-> PicklePieCow
-> Pillonchou
-> Pitchblackdragon
-> purrling
-> purmu / pudrawsponies
-> Rapps - images may only be uploaded by Boss Snikrot or with permission
-> RicePoison
-> Sagethechibi
-> seethecee
-> shadowfoxnjp
-> Shibari stitch
-> Shokka-chan
-> sonigoku - No Sonic/MLP crossover shipping commissions beyond image #598821 without permission
-> spromultis
-> StarshineHaste
-> Tacsayo
-> Tentauncool
-> TF-Circus / Sora-Mizuki
-> undercoverpone / flashyscloset
-> victoriathething
-> wenni
-> whataslendidday / Whattas
-> Wintereousflame
-> zalakir
-> ZenAquaria/zenaquariapony/eizoryu - commissioners and originators of depicted OCs have permission by default
-> zippysqrl
-> zowiestardust-mlp
By Source / Content Type:
-> Bluntwhiskey - no dakimakuras and My Little Slave comic pages
-> denial-is-tragic - nothing with name in signature, images with fixed signature artist upload only
-> divided-s - only Twitter uploads forbidden
-> dm29 / judacris - only Twitter uploads forbidden
-> dozer - WIP images
-> duh-veed / brotesqueviking - questionable/explicit forbidden
-> d-sixzey - No Patreon exclusive content
-> egophiliac - ‘Them’s Fightin’ Herds’ content
-> Flare-Crasher - no Questionable or Explicit content
-> gyaheung - DNP on images from twitter
-> half-pint-hero - cosplay photos forbidden
-> hugsomebunny / too rad cosplay - cosplay photos only
-> jolteongirl - no “ask baby scoots” tumblr posts
-> kilala97 - No humanized images after 20 July 2016
-> karpet-shark - only art from twily-daily allowed
-> marsminer - nothing grotesque
-> mewyk91 - no sketches/WIPs
-> Omi / Zwirzu / Dashi - only publically posted, finished images allowed (no sketches, WIPs, etc)
-> OZE - only Twitter uploads forbidden
-> pinche-platano - tumblr posts upload by artist only (FMP)
-> Polyploidy - No cosplay pictures
-> pyr0cat - only diaper arts forbidden
-> quickhorn - no fluffy ponies
-> ratofdrawn’s wedding “thank you” set
-> replica / stable86 / Valleygleamed - Finished works are upload by artist only
-> saria the frost mage - Only finished “A Foal’s Adventure” may be uploaded - all else by artist only
-> selective-yellow - Nothing with their watermark, upload by commissioner only
-> ss2sonic - Commissions are DNP, other art is allowed.
-> smolder - Nothing from kinkshame-creal
-> Starswirl Academy - Assets ripped from the game
-> SunlitAzure - Specific to account, not artist
-> sion - Nothing from twitter
If there’s something from someone here you really want to upload, check with them first.
-> 5weetooth
-> 8-bit goat
-> 8angarang
-> adorkablesteph/stephanoodle
-> agufanatic98
-> Ajue
-> alicekitty
-> AO2
-> animartdream
-> Apples-Sunshine / Fuzzballpup
-> Arcticwaters
-> ArtFur
-> ArtistOrphy
-> artsydove / princexneeshydoomcuddles
-> asai-g / asai-gomen
-> askpitchpatch
-> Atelophobix / purrling
-> audioscribe
-> audreen
-> auragrave
-> Axel/hexagonalrenaissance
-> Azurelius
-> Balanced-guy / balanced-wolf - nothing except the current two images
-> bananers97 / bananimationofficial
-> because-im-pink
-> BetaBrothers
-> black-dragon-blood / whelpsy
-> bluedash117
-> Boigles / Ratboigles / ShadowMenanite / Zombimonster
-> Borappuccino
-> Briskby / ponee / rose / bloominrose / inkydonkey
-> Bronytwin02
-> brownybearsy
-> Bubblesdafrog
-> CallMeDoc
-> CaptainGastronaut
-> chebut
-> cherrybo/thetomnooklook
-> chiptoony
-> clawsofslash
-> cloud-jumper
-> cocatrola
-> cometshina
-> coopergal24
-> coreycodered
-> crabamoustache
-> CrackedVinyl
-> creeperchild
-> CrystalGem523
-> cuteosphere / ponydreaming
-> cyanocitta-blattidae / azula-griffon
-> daftles
-> DaringDreamer2 / Dare2DreamMedia
-> Devipotato
-> deutschland-pan / panpann
-> dinogorawrrainbow
-> disparitybit
-> DMKruiz
-> dmwcool1
-> DNFTT2011
-> dreamagineit
-> dreamrevolution
-> druggyderp
-> Ember-flames
-> enchantress41580
-> epickitty54
-> eyeslikemorphine
-> fallenandscattered
-> fallenzephyr
-> fataltragedy2004
-> feebu
-> feellikeaplat/purpleapril
-> feilamina / Craft5688
-> fluffomaru
-> fluffyzecloud
-> fluxperpetua
-> ForeverRoseify
-> frecleface / ravingredhead
-> Future-Gamefreak / jerathehedgefox
-> FuzzyGhostBat
-> galopade
-> gamebuddy123
-> ghostier / parfaitcake
-> GreenFox27
-> haleythewerehog
-> handsomedadude
-> hegung0116pk
-> HoofSplatter
-> horsecanada9
-> hospitalvespers
-> ii2dii
-> iixxqwertyxxii
-> imp344
-> infinitoa
-> jazo123
-> Jelly Shades
-> jewelimpressiveworld
-> joeify
-> jose-ramiro
-> Juro89
-> kallistraz
-> kashimusprime
-> Keeshaba
-> kellyodom
-> KelsoBunny
-> KHwhitelion
-> Kimmy-chu
-> kikuri-tan / Tomoe
-> Kitistrasza
-> Kyokifly
-> kyuremgirl
-> korodious
-> kriscastle
-> ladybeemer
-> Lance the Young / AdamC
-> LandryC
-> laopokia
-> LeeshMae
-> Legalese
-> Lenbow
-> Lethanvas/Denton
-> LVL80Catlady/sweet-pea-soup
-> liquidrabbitz
-> littlejackiepapercut
-> lizethehedgehog
-> LovelyKouga
-> lunchwere
-> lshida
-> madhattermonster / tora-shiromaru
-> magicdawolfy
-> maraudershy
-> mavdpie
-> megajack
-> milliezone
-> miss-medic
-> MizAmy
-> MockingjayBases
-> monsterturtle / monsterbunnies / black-rose-emy
-> MookStyfawker
-> moonriseunicorn
-> MustacheCashDash
-> nannurs / gonenannurs
-> naruto-cupcakes
-> Necrofeline / Necronomikat
-> nitro-san
-> NuiHarime
-> Ombyshadow
-> Omnoproxyl337
-> Orgin8 / ponesaurus
-> OutcastErmine
-> p-l-u-m-b-u-m
-> palibyte
-> partytime-excellence
-> pascalsmithiii
-> Partytimexxx
-> PhantomFox777
-> phantom of 4chan
-> phylophyle
-> pinkiepony / pinkieposh
-> pinkiesofialover
-> pokeman-114
-> Ponett / Overarrow
-> PonyMonsterBoy
-> poppixierex
-> PrincessJojah / WastedFeelings / Jojah
-> prof / prof549
-> pteradragon
-> PyroDarknessANNY
-> Raccoon-Ranger
-> rainbowmane123
-> rainbowxxxdash
-> redflare500
-> Robynne / Robynneski
-> Ross Irving / ultrahand
-> Ryan Rabbat
-> SamonFerrari
-> savagebinn
-> SecretMonsters
-> SeeNotC
-> seriousbacon
-> ShadyPixels / AmoraBadger
-> silverbrony97
-> Sleufoot
-> soarin-windsong
-> softfang
-> spacemarinescum
-> StarHeartCustoms
-> SoarinDashxx
-> SomaShield / Hungry-Horses / DanielSSJ
-> Sugarbiites
-> sugarmoonponyartist
-> sunshineshiny
-> sweetheartannie
-> Synad
-> tgbjerga
-> that-one-dude-guy
-> theambears
-> TheatreGeek18
-> thefishe77
-> thefluttrs / prince elusive
-> ThePonyPlaypen
-> Tigerbeetle
-> Tij2ji
-> Tiny-Toons-Fan
-> tinylittlewatermelon
-> Tinker-Clockwork
-> Ti-wave
-> tomification
-> tkc
-> Trowelhands
-> Umlotha
-> Verminshy
-> vorishfoxie / PieMan24601
-> wertyla
-> whiro153
-> wild-mint / pomalong
-> wiler-maxwell / TroyJr24
-> wingbeatpony
-> xainy / sy
-> Xailing
-> Xamri / Crenair
-> Xxaurelia
-> xxmoon-dancerxx
-> Yin-Yang-2016
-> Yote-fang
-> Zacharynl
-> Zakerhipper
-> zizka-von-mikser
->I am an artist and I want to be on this list.  
Report one of the images you’ve drawn that are on this site (or report yourself if there are none) and tell us which images to remove (e.g. “all under my artist tag”), what conditions there are for the DNP (e.g. “with permission only”), and how we may verify your identity (e.g. my DA is if we haven’t already.
-> Does this cover text posts and captioned screencaps?  
Nope, just actual art.
-> Why are these people on the DNP list?  
Because they went through the steps above to inform us they want to be on the DNP list or they put a post on another site and we happened to see it (note that we are not omniscient, it is best to send us a report).
-> But -  
There are no buts, only butts.||
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