Background Pony #81C9
The tag is referring to images that mimic or reference the event, not the character. It’s been explained several times already. Your refusal to accept that will not change anything, and insulting moderators who have attempted to explain this to you before doesn’t improve you position in the slightest.So no, you aren’t going to do that. You’re going to take another week off. This is not a hill worth dying on.
Abuse of site functionality is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to: abuse of the “Post Anonymously” feature to sockpuppet, mass indiscriminate downvoting, mass downvoting of images with specific tag(s), spamming, submitting frivolous reports, maliciously removing or editing tags, and evading bans.
@Background Pony #88A4
Done, though I’m not including straight/lesbian implications as those tags can be used for futa/R63/etc pairings as well.
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