If anything, this picture is related to fruitless attempts of russian Internet regulator RosComNadzor to block Telegram messenger - formally for not cooperating and providing encryption keys for several terrorist communications.
First most people were sure it’s just idiocy at state level - Telegram physically can’t provide keys for secret communications, they are end-to-end - but RosComNadzor must respond to FSB queries and works as law requires.
Then there were rumors some people with power try to gain control over Telegram(by getting a share) - or promote other messengers developed by russian companies.
Now it looks even bigger than this - Telegram is fine, lots of Amazon/Google/etc based services are broken. Some even say - it’s general repetition before creating state-approved whitelist for Internet resources, which will really disconnect Russia from global networks. So this way the force companies inside Russia to move their web-services inside.
First most people were sure it’s just idiocy at state level - Telegram physically can’t provide keys for secret communications, they are end-to-end - but RosComNadzor must respond to FSB queries and works as law requires.
Then there were rumors some people with power try to gain control over Telegram(by getting a share) - or promote other messengers developed by russian companies.
Now it looks even bigger than this - Telegram is fine, lots of Amazon/Google/etc based services are broken. Some even say - it’s general repetition before creating state-approved whitelist for Internet resources, which will really disconnect Russia from global networks. So this way the force companies inside Russia to move their web-services inside.