Trotting down the hallway, Princess Celestia advances to meet with her student Twilight Sparkle, after hearing that she had undergone a horrific transformation. Hoping to aid and resolve her student’s predicament, the Princess may end up getting a little too much than what she had bargained for.
Done again by the amazing CandyClumsy
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||Still kids won’t see posts like that, so feel free. ||
I don’t really swear.
Because she’s used to being weighed down by it?
True….It is interesting to see such detailed takes on such ideas from such writers and artists.
No spoilers! :3
I’m not usually one for gore, but TF is somewhat of a fascination for me, and I get excited whenever my bot tells me there’s a new one up.
Well, the sketches for this comic are kind of already available, allowing us to see what happens. Its just so much better to see it in color!