That copy doesn’t say Twilight to me. That sounds like a car for Daring Do or a Wonderbolt. And not the adorkable series’ lame Wonderbolts, either.
I know you probably haven’t heard of this car, but I always thought a Jordan would be perfect for Twi:
This prestigious brand manufactured luxury cars, but not just any kind, ones with a statement. They were advertised with suggestive prose, dash (not Rainbow) and elan, and carried model names such as “Playboy,” “Blueboy” or “Silhouette.”
Individualistic, attention-seeking yet unsuspicious - just like our favorite OCD horse.
@Dirty Bit
Applejack has been shown to drive a “Pony” pickup which is a Ford. But she most often is seen driving this vintage Jeep Wagoneer type vehicle, which we know the manufacturer in Adorkable-verse is called “Steep.” But we don’t know the vehicle’s model name.
Hey Twilight! Be a real American Equestrian and buy an S.U.V.! An overpriced, oversized, inefficient fake truck riding on a car body is exactly what you need to boost your ego!
That copy doesn’t say Twilight to me. That sounds like a car for Daring Do or a Wonderbolt. And not the adorkable series’ lame Wonderbolts, either.
I know you probably haven’t heard of this car, but I always thought a Jordan would be perfect for Twi:
This prestigious brand manufactured luxury cars, but not just any kind, ones with a statement. They were advertised with suggestive prose, dash (not Rainbow) and elan, and carried model names such as “Playboy,” “Blueboy” or “Silhouette.”
Individualistic, attention-seeking yet unsuspicious - just like our favorite OCD horse.
Applejack has been shown to drive a “Pony” pickup which is a Ford. But she most often is seen driving this vintage Jeep Wagoneer type vehicle, which we know the manufacturer in Adorkable-verse is called “Steep.” But we don’t know the vehicle’s model name.
AmericanEquestrian and buy an S.U.V.! An overpriced, oversized, inefficient fake truck riding on a car body is exactly what you need to boost your ego!Or a flying chariot like Celestia and Luna have.
Applejack is in tip top form. I love this.