Background Pony #07BA
Downvoters have no idea what bases are.
Help fund the $15 daily operational cost of Derpibooru - support us financially!
•You can use for point adoptables, and money adopts.
•PLEASE add the base link to your description.
•Please favourite if you use. This helps you find it again to link back/credit.
•You MUST credit MonkFishyAdopts. (:dev monkfishyadopts: (without the spaces))
•You must spend time on it, I’d not like to see poorly drawn scribbles, sorry!
•Please only use here on deviantART.
•No need to link back, the mentions system does that job. ^^
•You can change whatever you like on it, but please still credit me.
•You can remove my deviantName, but it’s there to avoid you loosing where you got it from.
•Download for best quality!It was made on mspaint (2001) so it IS mspaint friendly.And don’t forget; have fun!Base made from a screenshot from Equestria Games.