Her name is valkiria,She has great experience with telekinesis, but is not very good with more complexs types of spells.She always Carry her 7 enchanted swords, in another drawing I explain why the two horns and I show her 7 swords. She is from an alternative universe, where she wants to rebuild the unicorn empire, together with her assistant sapphire, they try to deal with this important task. It is part of a fanfic that I and another person are still creating, again I will give more information about it in the future.
Valkiria has a rude personality, doesn’t have much patience,always wants to get stronger and more recognized, tries to be the center of attention, likes to brag and be the best while laughing at others’ misfortune, and gets very angry when someone provokes she.But,despite all this,she still cares greatly for her empire and her subjects…kind of,oh and her swords…and her assistant of course.
In another drawn I write more about this character.cya