So, if you watched in Season 9 while King Sombra is not dead, he turned into the spark and he alongside with Unicron, placed him into Umbrum Crystal and the Dark Energon. So King Sombra’s plan to make “Darkest Hour” to Cybertron using Dark Energon to poison the main core of the planet.
Don’t you mean if Star Swirl the Bearded and the Pillars could team up with the Thirteen Primes including Vector Prime? Well, not all thirteen of them because Megatronus betrayed the other twelve Primes. Especially when he became the first Decepticon because he became the father and the very first/ancient leader of the Decepticons which are once known as “Military Hardwares”.
How does he read the Covenant of Primus and he remembers the story of the Transformers?