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Ships (Many of them) tier maker.

safe2256488 artist:gojira1604shinomura50 adagio dazzle16690 ahuizotl987 apple bloom61971 applejack207167 aria blaze12628 autumn blaze5678 big macintosh34773 bon bon19442 braeburn7139 bright mac1812 bulk biceps3928 capper dapperpaws1832 captain celaeno1450 caramel3022 carrot cake2549 cheerilee11515 cheese sandwich4937 clear sky583 coco pommel7514 comet tail992 cranky doodle donkey1251 cup cake5062 daring do7461 derpy hooves59216 diamond tiara12139 discord38570 dj pon-334127 doctor caballeron951 doctor whooves12107 double diamond1962 dumbbell731 fancypants2475 feather bangs653 flam2544 flash sentry15351 fleetfoot2751 fleur-de-lis4700 flim2649 fluttershy267950 gabby3301 gallus9395 garble2270 gilda11697 king sombra17762 lightning dust5506 limestone pie6522 little strongheart948 lord tirek6438 marble pie8693 matilda621 maud pie15541 mayor mare3971 minuette7191 moondancer6317 mudbriar1037 night glider1602 night light3108 nightmare moon21339 ocellus7052 octavia melody28482 party favor1744 pear butter4060 perry pierce109 pinkie pie264855 pokey pierce1753 prince blueblood4640 prince rutherford898 princess cadance41843 princess celestia116564 princess ember8973 princess luna121245 princess skystar2574 queen chrysalis43813 queen novo1950 quibble pants1746 ragamuffin (g4)469 rainbow dash289336 rarity224919 rumble4609 sandbar7026 sassy saddles1346 sci-twi32589 scootaloo60364 shining armor29184 silver spoon7782 silverstream7994 sky stinger658 smolder11853 soarin'18300 sonata dusk16944 spike94835 spitfire16115 spring rain5613 starlight glimmer62361 sugar belle3887 sunburst9225 sunset shimmer82273 suri polomare1495 sweetie belle58420 sweetie drops19441 tempest shadow19395 tender taps878 terramar1009 thorax5629 thunderlane5078 timber spruce2237 time turner12107 tree hugger3607 trenderhoof1009 trixie81635 trouble shoes1392 twilight sparkle369733 twilight velvet5726 vapor trail1386 vinyl scratch34127 wallflower blush3248 yona6617 zecora11519 zephyr breeze3105 abyssinian1662 alicorn333552 changedling12050 changeling69546 classical hippogriff7210 draconequus21753 dragon91160 earth pony540933 griffon38391 hippogriff14800 human265998 kirin16293 pegasus531494 pony1688076 siren2682 unicorn575959 yak6489 zebra25021 a canterlot wedding3821 equestria girls266582 g42117243 griffon the brush off975 keep calm and flutter on1238 my little pony: the movie21632 sounds of silence3529 the beginning of the end2507 the return of harmony2445 alternate hairstyle40247 alternate timeline3915 big macintosh's yoke711 brother and sister7583 bubble berry1887 chiffon swirl113 crossover75069 crossover shipping4342 cutie mark crusaders23037 father and daughter4381 female1896659 flashdash88 gay38998 good king sombra789 horse collar1195 humane five6087 humane seven4056 humane six5550 incest18892 infidelity10738 king thorax3954 lesbian122404 male581160 mane seven8227 mane six38736 mare798003 marvel2363 mother and daughter9080 night maid rarity382 nightmare takeover timeline878 omniship287 op has an opinion100 pinkamena diane pie23172 pinkiesentry88 polyamory8151 rainbow blitz2939 royal guard11307 ship:appledash8270 ship:bubbleblitz111 ship:cometlight309 ship:daringdash171 ship:dashblitz215 ship:derpydash203 ship:discolight471 ship:discopie506 ship:flashlight3359 ship:flutterdash6342 ship:flutterpie1878 ship:flutterspike748 ship:gallstream586 ship:gildash395 ship:lunadash104 ship:lunapie80 ship:marshmallow coco356 ship:partypie85 ship:pinkiedash3792 ship:quibbledash315 ship:rainbowdust179 ship:rainbowmac564 ship:rainbowspike612 ship:raridash2171 ship:rarijack8571 ship:rarilight2297 ship:rarimac597 ship:raripants372 ship:raripie1007 ship:sci-flash336 ship:sci-twishimmer2965 ship:sci-twixie236 ship:scootadash903 ship:smolcellus181 ship:soarindash7725 ship:sombrashy468 ship:sunsetsparkle5416 ship:tempestlight3663 ship:twiburst209 ship:twidance382 ship:twidancer381 ship:twidash5981 ship:twijack1383 ship:twilestia2862 ship:twiluna1773 ship:twilunestia328 ship:twimac597 ship:twinight305 ship:twinkie2493 ship:twisalis259 ship:twishy1635 ship:twispike2152 ship:twistarlight757 ship:twixie5426 ship:velvet sparkle326 ship:yonabar460 ship:zephdash364 shipping265038 siblings24957 sombrapie77 spread wings104385 stallion208882 straight187948 student six2120 sunsarity138 sunsetdash172 the dazzlings5997 thunderdash187 tier list55 timbertwi503 trixdash123 twicest1932 twilight sparkle (alicorn)154299 unicorn twilight37076 vinyldash115 wall of blue155 wall of tags7760 winged25 winged human102 wings246565


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Background Pony #C525
What a great way to waste valuable time , both the author’s and the viewers’.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

Except this logic has a major flaw. Ponies and Dragons age differently.
Ponies grow and age naturally over time
Dragons grow based on the size of their horde.
Spike, Ember, and Smolder all purposefully stayed small in order to best interact with other races. Besides, Spike is not that much younger than the others, if you consider how tiny Twi was when Spike hatched.

It’s funny how things change throughout the years, back in the day Sparity was one of the most popular ships and you could get away with shipping it but nowadays if you ship sparity you will get eaten alive by twitter and tik tok lol.
Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

I find these lists interesting to look at every now and then. Its interesting that there is no OTP at the top unlike most lists
Added thought
Though being a Flutter fan it is a bummer to see so many of her ships in the low end.