In FIM it is assumed that Pinkie pays her rent by working for them.
In this world I guess they don’t even pay Pinkie enough to get by. I genuinely don’t get why the authors hate Pinkie so much lol
In fact, it could be assumed that she is the one that attracts the most profit to her establishment because she stimulates the parties in the town and who is there to give the pastry service to the parties? exact, Sugar Cube Corner.
@Background Pony #B43E
And while Pinkie is terribly flanderized and stripped of her true intentions as to why she’s so “sugary”, Lyra was given the original concept of Pinkie, wishing her friends unconditional happiness.
I mean, I fully understand that this nice little piece of work would be separated from FIM, but Pinkie has a lot that could be explored here.
Her fear that her friends don’t like her or that she will be replaced or not be there for them, many things wrap her sweet personality in the affection that she feels from her friends.
They could even involve her love life since she’s literally the only girl with a canon partner lol
@Background Pony #6132
They have been writing good stories for everyone else. Which just makes Pinkie’s treatment up until this point that much more jarring.
Yeah, no, they would never admit it. I know they’ve seen it though.
Like they’d admit it. I recognize some from the Spike x Starlight arc.
It feels like you made me look for her actual butt.
I have a sponge with “filth” written on it in permanent marker to avoid this sort of mistake.