This is a very old (2020-2022) drawing from an idea I came up with: “What if Equestria Girls were more thick?” So I came up with this “Equestria Thiccs” series and I decided to do 8 edits with all of mane 6 and maybe some extras. I started with Fluttershy and I did Dashie, AJ, etc. But a year (two in the case of Fluttershy) has passed and my style had changed a bit so I thought to myself “Now what? I should upload it to my Derpibooru account? Or maybe keep it for myself? And after all this time I decided I would upload it to Derpi but with two changes: First, reducing the number of edits to 3 (4 drawings in total) because too many of them were very similar and/or redundant. And second, I would remaster a bit all of the drawings because I think they were very poorly made compared with my recent style. Anyways, this is the result of the first drawing and before conclude, I would like to say that I’m very bad at drawing with color vectors but I tried my best and I hope you like it. Cheers!
I don’t know if you’re the same person spamming requests in my other drawings but I’m gonna answer you whether you are the same person or not: If you want an artist to draw x thing you can suggest it but not spam it. In that way you don’t gonna achieve nothing but ignorance and in the worst case a report. If the artist wants to draw something it normally only totally depends on him/her not on anyone else and if he/she is casually going to draw something you want, He’ll/She’ll do it whenever he/she want. If it was the case that you’re desperate for that artist to draw what you want, don’t worry. There are normally always requests or similar things based on money, but if you only keep spamming (Maybe it’s not the case with you) without offering nothing the majority of the artists may not want to draw you that thing you wanted. Sorry for this long text but the past weeks I had an user that only kept asking for specific drawings and I am a bit tired of all this. Hope you have a great day and cheers.