This Fic takes inspiration from many shounen stories and, while the author made sure that most of, if not all plot-points make at least some sort of sense lore-wise, some story elements are crackfic-level in terms of absurdity. (What I’m trying to say is things are probably going to get REALLY stupid).
And there will be no exact times that Crusaders will update, as the author would rather tell the story at his own pace.
Thank you for reading!
Current Part:
I don’t really mind the fight choreography as the art is really well done, and I’d like to see Twilight go all-out and valiantly try to win against the Scarlet Judge instead of
just being curbstomped in a few pages.
Okay. Great story so far!
Unfortunately I can’t since that would be blatant spoilers. But I will say this: it was really hard for me to kill off chrysalis and tirek. This is a shounen-esque crackfic. Just because a character lost enough blood to fill up a swimming pool doesn’t mean you should give up hope on em.
So ignoring Background Pony #16F9 comment. Do you think you can answer mine? The one about Twilight dying in this story.
“At this point, just get it over with.”
Yeah, it’s gotten really redundant, Twilight taking a beating over and over while Cozy’s an overpowered no-selling villain. I guess the story is just dragging on until the elements of harmony come into play for any chance of actually dealing with Cozy.
You weren’t alone with the thought