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Гдѣ вы увидѣли фанатичность на рисункѣ съ пони, держащимъ стягъ?
И да, я горжусь своимъ прошлымъ, не тѣмъ, что вы себѣ придумали. Если бы всё было именно такъ, какъ вы описали, то сейчасъ бы не существовало прибалтійскихъ странъ, Грузіи, Польши и такъ далѣе; Финляндіи, въ столицѣ которой на главной площади сейчасъ стоитъ памятникъ Александру II. Почитайте про этотъ монументъ, поймёте, насколько былъ безчеловѣченъ царскій строй.
And yes, I am proud of my past, not what you imagined for yourself. If everything were exactly as you described, then the Baltic countries, Georgia, Poland, and so on would not exist now; Finland, in the capital of which there is now a monument to Alexander II on the main square. Read about this monument, you will understand how inhumane the tsarist system was.
Someone needs glasses.
Read this quote again:
If I state attrocities that Russia commited, I’m just stating a fact, and doesn’t say that other empires are good.
The problem is that the current descendants of other empires are aware of the horrors that their empires have inflicted so they condemn it and aren’t fanatical about it, unlike Russians.
То есть вы признаете, что у всѣхъ руки по локоть въ крови, но при этомъ плохой оказалась только Россія?
4:20 - “Everyone’s hands are up to their elbows in blood if we look into the past.”
I didn’t make this up, this is all public information. Look up Estonian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Georgian history - their history is basically them trying to survive from the russian occupation and stay alive as nations.
I know what you’d say: “but other empires were bloody too!” - yes, they were. And that doesn’t make Russian Empire OK to embrace
>And personally, I’m not going to be ashamed of the history of my people and country, because thanks to this, I am who I am.
Oof, this one says a lot
BUT, the MAIN difference is - Germans condemn it (“Never again.”), and Russians embrace it (“Можем повторить!”) - they embrace the Russian Empire, USSR - the prison of nations, and it reflects in the modern world: Russia invaded so many countries in the last 50 years, and the disturbing thing is that Russians support it and are proud of it.
Въ вашихъ словахъ присутствуетъ совершенная база!
I understand that the modern agenda screams to you that any regime where there is no “power of the people” is bloody in fact of its existence, but wait…
If we look at the era that art affects, we will find out that this is normal for this era?
The monarchy exists in our time, not to mention the past.
After all, the one who is the same as absolutely everyone is not terrible
And personally, I’m not going to be ashamed of the history of my people and country, because thanks to this, I am who I am.
Will there be any disadvantages?
They seem to be obsessed with their dictatorship regimes for some reason - USSR, RU Empire. Makes me doubt their “innocence”.
Да, знали, как и многие другие армии в мире и до, и во время вв2)
Да :^