But still, I’m not sure why Celestia chose to be shunted into this particular siding, but apparently Luna came along for the ride, much to the confusion of Cadence. :)
I would be quite pleased about how the child versions of the three princesses came out, if it weren’t for the fact that at the last minute the JPEG compression engaged on MS Paint and all of my once smooth lines were reduced to angular pixels the size of breeze blocks!
Not a happy bunny on that front… _
But apart from that I’m still quite pleased with the way it came out overall :)
By the by, if you can’t read what their shirts say, here they are:
Luna’s shirt says “I’m a Luney!”
Celestia’s shirt says “You bring me sunshine”
and Cadences shirt says “Crystal Palace Football Club” :)
If I take from your name that the disinformation in question is creationism and you would like to teach kids about dinosaurs, biology and evolution, then go for it and more power to you. We could use as many good science teachers as we can get our hands on.
I recommend majoring in science and getting an ed cert rather than majoring in ed and getting a science cert. Content mastery is crucial; pedagogy grows with experience.
Good luck.