Cheerilee definitely needs more love. She’s one of the most important supporting characters and still, I wasn’t even able to find a good fanfiction about her! I thought that after “Hearts and Hooves Day” (which was btw one of my favourite s2 episodes) sometning may change, but apparently I was wrong. (or I’m blind and can’t find all this amazing stuff)
A little about this pic. I managed to draw it in exactly 1,5 hour, which is yay. The longest I was dealing with… her nose. She probably is more victorian than steampunk, but I just couldn’t imagine a teacher wearing a top hat and tons of cog jewellery.
Ohdear, pants! Why pants? Well, without them she looked a bit too… saucy. Especially wearing those leather boots and a stick in her mouth. Victorian teacher weren’t suppose to look saucy AT ALL.
Other Steampunk Ponies:
The Inventor - Twilight Sparkle >>3872
The Timid - Fluttershy >>3855
The Mechanic - Applejack >>75758
The Pilot - Rainbow Dash >>2536
The Random - Pinkie Pie >>2541
The Lady - Rarity >>3687
The Dentist - Colgate >>4053
The Princesses - Celestia and Nightmare Moon >>3972
The Flyers - Spitfire and Soarin’ >>4758
The Smuggler - Carrot Top >>19100
The Messenger - Derpy Hooves >>34431
The Dreamer - Lyra >>46445
The Professor - Cheerilee >>Here
The Virtuoso - Octavia >>48717
The Evil Queen - Chrysalis >>50247
The DJ - Vinyl Scratch >>51412
The Soldier - Big Macintosh >>57995
The Illusionist - Trixie >>74358