Plot: Scootaloo anxiously awaits the arrival of her father after hearing the exciting news that he has survived the battles of Hoth and Endor as well as the fight on Cloud City and is coming home to Equestria to see his beloved pegasus filly. At school, while she and her friends were on the playground at recess, her teacher Cheerilee receives an unexpected visit from the trooper. After hearing how he has been longing to see Scootaloo after a long time on the battlefield, Cheerilee goes out to the playground and finds Scootaloo on the climbing frame. The magenta mare tells the pegasus filly
to go inside where a big surprise is waiting for her. Even though she does not know what the heck’s going on, Scootaloo obeys and when she steps inside, there is her father, waiting with open arms! Scootaloo is so happy that she starts to cry tears of joy while being embraced by her father, who then ruffles her mane and takes her out to ice cream to celebrate the his return. He is a little bit disappointed that the Rebels won, but he, being a father, puts his daughter before him. The End.
to go inside where a big surprise is waiting for her. Even though she does not know what the heck’s going on, Scootaloo obeys and when she steps inside, there is her father, waiting with open arms! Scootaloo is so happy that she starts to cry tears of joy while being embraced by her father, who then ruffles her mane and takes her out to ice cream to celebrate the his return. He is a little bit disappointed that the Rebels won, but he, being a father, puts his daughter before him. The End.
You are welcomed to do so!
Cool story bro.