Twilight paced back and forth, trying to think of a good way to speak her mind well tomorrow when she heard a knock on the door. Who would be calling at this hour?
Opening her door, shivering as the slight wind blew through the gown she still wore, Twilight shifted her eyes, wondering who was the wise pony that played the game of knock and ditch at her door. She gave a frustrated sigh before turning to go back inside.
However, her eyes caught sight of something in front of her. Raising an eyebrow, she bent down and her eyes widened a bit.
A basket. Full of fruity pastries. Her favorite treats! But who would?
She turned her head from side to side, wondering who had left her such a gift so late.
Suddenly, she caught sight of something small and adorable quickly trotting past her house, his little legs carrying as much speed as they could.
Twilight smiled to herself. Aw, Pipsqueak She said quietly as she watched the pinto pony scurry off. “
Pff shit happens
I’m okay with it
Look at me^, I’m fine
Day 4
Still figuring out that “thread”, and it’s problem. Any sort of method I try and use to get into it, just backfires horribly. The day is soon ending, but it will still take a while
It turns out that it was really discord who brought that basket.
If Pipsqueak, secretly brought the gift, PUT HIM IN THE PICTURE! Don’t freaking tell the audience, he did it, in a shitty fanfic description. So why is Discord in there, I honestly believe Cartuneslover16 IS Discord, trolling the hell out of us in a maddening attempt to just piss us off…
She got it from Mordecai. OF COURSE she got it from Mordecai. Because the fates and narratives of EVERYTHING in cartuneslover16’s body of work ties back to this awful, nonsensical sea cucumber of a pairing. Mordecai is basically csrtunelover16’s equivalent of the Red King: get rid of him and the whole universe crumbles.
Wait a minute…
I have no idea. Just ignore me.
What the hell are you talking about?
le gasp Bronies, give ALL of the main six a lovestruck little kid!
Dash gets Scoots, that’s pretty obvious.
Fluttershy should have… Ooh, Sweetie Belle! They both like singing, after all…
Applejack… err… I have no idea.
Pinkie Pie should get a tiny, hyperactive clone of herself. Why? ‘Cause Pinkie Pie, that’s why.
Also, give Cheerilee a ‘hot for teacher’ sort of scenario with TWO foals. Then have them fight for her affections, until Hearts and Hooves Day comes around, and they get beaten out by Big Macintosh.
Juuuust fine.