by KopaLeo
Dear Pinkamena,
It’s been almost six months.
I really really miss you.
I bought you a pink rose,
It’s your favorite flavor.
The love scars you gave me,
They will never leave, unlike you.
Now that I have lost you,
I only have our scars.
Why must you be happy?
Why must you go to Ponyville?
I don’t need anypony else…
Why can’t you stay the same?
Why must you be so selfish?!
Please come back…
I only have mathematics now.
Cosmia Nebula
—The story so far—
After the fall of Fluttershy, Fluttershy was cared for by the woodland animals for a little while (a few days of something) while she waited for rescue, but nopony comes looking so she wonders to Ponyville and Pinkie also happens to be there throwing a party. They meet, and Fluttershy tells Pinkie about what happens, and Pinkie decides to stay in Ponyville with Fluttershy. Pinkie becomes an apprentice at Sugar Cube Corner. Fluttershy made her own dwelling near the forest.
Then later, Pinkie gets a letter telling her about her granny being dead and this makes her upset, of course. So she starts acting out and getting angry over little things. She and Fluttershy argued too many times, and and that causes Fluttershy to leave.
One day, Fluttershy just disappeared, Pinkie thought it’s her fault, and that started her gradual descent into depression in middle school. She was completely Pinkamena before going to university.
Cosmia and Pinkamena were studying in Manehatten university as undergraduates. Cosmia was in mathematics, and Pinkamena was in geology/mechanical engineering (double major). They met and became friends and lovers, supporting each other, sharing their sorrow.
One day, in their third year, Pinkamena met Fluttershy again in university. As it turned out, Fluttershy didn’t go to university, but just learned stuff on her own. She met Pinkie in university because she still thought about Pinkie from time to time, and wanted to reconnect with her. So she asked Pinkie’s family her whereabouts, then went to Manehatten and stayed there for a while, hanging out with Pinkie frequently.
Hanging out with Fluttershy relieved Pinkie of the main origin of her depression: her guilt over Fluttershy’s disappearance. She and Fluttershy talked a lot about the past, how they used to play, throw parties, care for the critters, and so on. The more they talked, the more Pinkamena is turning back to Pinkie. By the end of Fluttershy’s stay, Pinkamena was almost back to Pinkie Pie, and soon after Fluttershy left, she decided to quit university and go back to Ponyville with Fluttershy and throw parties again.
Pinkie asked if Cosmia would come to Ponyville with her, after graduation, but Cosmia didn’t like Pinkie at all; she only loved Pinkamena.
They didn’t break up, but simply separated and drifted apart. Pinkie Pie stayed in Ponyville, then Twilight Sparkle came, then she became the Element of Laughter. Cosmia went to Canterlot Institute of Technology for a Master in Mathematics, followed by a PhD in Astronomy, all alone. She absolutely refused to make any friends, and took great efforts to avoid all social occasions.
After her PhD in Astronomy, she became disillusioned in academia (her research got stolen, yet her mentor did not believe her when she reported it) so she went to Ponyville to seclude herself. There she met Artline, and by chance, they became best friends.
Pinkie knows Cosmia lives in Ponyville now, and has tried once or twice to reconnect with Cosmia, but Cosmia just made strange faces and ran away before she would even speak, so now she doesn’t try anymore. If Cosmia comes to Sugar Cube Corner, she would just pretend Cosmia is a stranger and treat her like any ordinary customer.
—Fun Fact—
There’s a secret in the photo.