Twilight Sparkle as Mercy (Witch skin)
Pinkie Pie as Junkrat (Dr. Junkenstein skin)
Rarity as Symmetra (Vampire skin)
Fluttershy as Ana (Ghoul skin)
Rainbow Dash as Hanzo (Demon skin)
Applejack as Soldier 76 (Immortal skin)
I swear Blizzard, what is with you and overdesigned characters? This thing was torture to draw! D:Enjoy!Art (C) Overwatch (C) BlizzardMLP:FiM (C) Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Also, to answer your question as to why Twilight is Mercy in this pic, I assume it’s because Mercy is actually portrayed as a witch in the halloween comic, complete with a magical dread servant, who uses her magic to help bring a monster to life.
Get off my farm!
The only reason you’re here is to compare Mercy to Medic and say Metal-Kitty is wrong because he has an opinion that you don’t agree with. You’re doing exactly what you’re accusing Metal-Kitty of doing as you’re accusing him of doing it.
Oh for fucks sake. NO ONE CARES. If it bothers you that much, you could just ignore it. Or maybe draw your own pictures that match up with your headcanon.
That said, Winston? Really? On what level does that work? Honestly, I don’t see the parallels beyond them both being smart.
He posted the same thing on 7 other images.
That has literally nothing to do with this picture.
Stop spamming up images.
Great. Now I’m hungry.
Unsalted? What, like nuts?
fluttershy had been better as mei or any character with costume of vampire.
Well that and I’m sure she’s going to be getting a christmas skin or two.
They’re saving the other half for next year.
Mei didn’t have a costume in both
It looks like the heroes who were left out during the Summer Games event got the skins this time. The only exception is Mercy, due to popular demand for the skin based on the photo from “Recall”