Day One for the Vocational Death Cruise!
Vinyl: Wow…
Octavia: Hmm… It looks ominously familiar.
Santalestia: Welcome aboard everypony! Tickets please!
Pinkie blob: Hehwo Awctavia! (Hello Octavia!)
Dash blob: Hey Vinul Scwatch! (Hey Vinyl Scratch!)
Twi blob: Wheeeee!
Octavia: Such a beautiful view…
Vinyl: Yeah… I like the ocean.
Pinkie & Surprise: Surprise!!!
Octavia: Oh, hello Pinkie. Hello Surprise.
Octavia: What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be watching our flat!
Pinkie: Well, it turns out we got invited to the cruise too! Isn’t that the neatest thing? This’ll be so much fun!
Octavia: You mean you left Derpy… ALONE?!!
Derpy: Derp?
Vinyl: Loosen up, Tavi! Derpy’s a responsible pony!
Dash: Yeah, and take off that bowtie thing! I mean, c’mon! You’re on a cruise!