Illustrated here are various villains in my FimFic.
To the left is Matron Hellebore and Doctor Bittersweet.
Doctor Bittersweet runs Glanders Gate Asylum, a hideous institution where Derpy was once sent, and has a…questionable definition of madness.
Matron Hellebore prowls the asylum, delivering painful ‘chastisement’ toward any who cause disruption.
And to the left are several retainers of Invitro Hall.
Earwax, the slippery lawyer, smug and conniving with a smile that makes you want to punch him.
Nitpick’s three bodyguards, Morion, Arquebus and Culverin (Left to Right), violent and brutish thugs.
And in the bottom-right corner, Cringeworth, the simpering sycophantic valet to Sir Cumbersome Clout.
Let me know what you think.