Viewing last 25 versions of comment by ColdhardSilver on image #1408561

Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
I don't know about all of y'all but I love Glim Glam's existence. Personally feelings about Starlight aside, I haven't seen the fandom have this much good discussion and material ever before her full existence came to be.
I largely say this by the simple fact that for it's been far more constructive than before, IMO. Far too often in the past there has been just a clear split of "burn it or love it, neither come out with much", but since final season 5/season 6 their has been more digestible material born. The middle ground has been far more pronounced now than ever, in many ways those that like/love and those who dislike/hate both grown attached quite attached to niches of her existence (again not just her character and history, her existence), and there has been a surge of alternate takes, interpretations, "fixes", personal routes, that I've love seeing in controversial matters such as this.
Sure there where things like Shining/Cadance, Discord going good, princess twi, etc etc, and while I agree that the lows weren't as low with those outburst as Glim's but the highs have far exceed any of the others. Hell even the poo flinging from both sides has been more entertaining to me than most of this or other fandoms' common squabbles.
No reason given
Edited by ColdhardSilver
Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
I don't know about all of y'all but I love Glim Glam's existence. Personally feelings about Starlight aside, I haven't seen the fandom have this much good discussion and material ever before her full existence came to be.
I largely say this by the simple fact that for it's been far more constructive than before, IMO. Far too often in the past there has been just a clear split of "burn it or love it, neither come out with much", but since final season 5/season 6 their has been more digestible material born. The middle ground has been far more pronounced now than ever, in many ways those that like/love and those who dislike/hate both grown attached quite attached to niches of her existence (again not just her character and history, her existence), and there has been a surge of alternate takes, interpretations, "fixes", personal routes, that I've love seeing in controversial matters such as this.
Sure there where things like Shining/Cadance, Discord going good, princess twi, etc etc, and while I agree that the lows weren't as low with those outburst as Glim's but the highs have far exceed any of the others.
No reason given
Edited by ColdhardSilver