Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Soarinjack on image #1408561

Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
The 1% - Uploaded 1% or more of the site's images
Perfect Pony Plot Provider -
Derpibooru Premium - Learn about the benefits of subscribing to Derpibooru Premium membership at https://derpibo
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)


Sure if take just that line, and disregard my later attempts to explain, yeah, I admit it sounds bad.

My point was that, as far as I have seen, any criticism of Starlight seems to be dismissed as "hating", and given the same response as genuine "hate". So ofcourse people will see a lot of hate if a simple "I'm not exactly hyped about this Starlight episode" is enough. Take the discussion in the "A Royal Problem". Several people said they would be more hyped if Starlight wasn't part of it, and expressed some issues with the overall idea. That was apprently enough for hating. Sometimes people just don't like the same things as other people. Not because they hate it, just because it doesn't interest them.

And to reiterate my stance: I don't hate Starlight, I don't love her either. I actually find her rather un-interesting/entertaining. She does however make seem to make other characters shine more by interacting with them. I've actually started to like Trixie a lot more after she became friends with Starlight.


"Now can we please, please, please not raise a fuss anymore? I’m starting to regret not leaving the fandom when I had the chance. "

You do realise it was you who re-started a thread that had been dead for a month, right? I'm more than happy to to close it for good after this post.
No reason given
Edited by Soarinjack
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
The 1% - Uploaded 1% or more of the site's images
Perfect Pony Plot Provider -
Derpibooru Premium - Learn about the benefits of subscribing to Derpibooru Premium membership at https://derpibo
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)


Sure if take just that line, and disregard my later attempts to explain, yeah, I admit it sounds bad.

My point was that, as far as I have seen, any criticism of Starlight seems to be dismissed as "hating", and given the same response as genuine "hate". So ofcourse people will see a lot of hate if a simple "I'm not exactly hyped about this Starlight episode" is enough. Take the discussion in the "A Royal Problem". Several people said they would be more hyped if Starlight wasn't part of it, and expressed some issues with the overall idea. That was apprently enough for hating. Sometimes people just don't like the same things as other people. Not because they hate it, just because it doesn't interest them.

And to reiterate my stance: I don't hate Starlight, I don't love her either. I actually find her rather un-interesting/entertaining. She does however make seem to make other characters shine more by interacting with them. I've actually started to like Trixie a lot more after she became friends with Starlight.

"Now can we please, please, please not raise a fuss anymore? I’m starting to regret not leaving the fandom when I had the chance. "

You do realise it was you who re-started a thread that had been dead for a month, right?
No reason given
Edited by Soarinjack