And because I didn’t say it, master-class work on this one. Literally using the website itself to enhance the artwork in a way I’d never seen done before. A+.
Pinkie broke the wall. Applejack just stuck her head in the hole and did the patented Ponystopper Tail Chomp (as used on famous Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash!) to avoid a fate worse than bad shipping.
I like it, (especially the description gag) but is Applejack saving Pinkie, or trying to kill her?
Either way, knowing Pinkie, the fall won’t kill her. She’s too squishy.
I recently changed my theme to dark, and it kinda does.
Except, the apple stem is a li’l harder to see.
She probably saw Pinkie Pie vanish along with Applejack’s head
Pinkie broke the wall. Applejack just stuck her head in the hole and did the patented Ponystopper Tail Chomp (as used on famous Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash!) to avoid a fate worse than bad shipping.
Well they are related sorta
Either way, knowing Pinkie, the fall won’t kill her. She’s too squishy.