Flurry: Of course! We are ponies and ponies always sing when they need to get things done.
Sirius: Or we could just do the task.
Flurry: But thats boring. More importantly, its not the pony way. You want to be a proper royal, right?
Sirius: Yes.
Flurry: [smiles] Then follow my advice and you’ll have wings in no time. Okay?
Sirius: [sighs] fine…
Flurry: Now then. [sings] If you want to be a proper princess,
Sirius: [reluctantly sings] I want to a proper prince,
It’s been a while since I drew Flurry but here she is, ‘training’ Sirius on how to earn his wings. Apparently, being a proper princess (prince in Siri’s case) is the first step. And what better way to start a montage than a song! Flurry loves to sing while working, since time seems to pass by faster when she sings but Sirius just considers it a waste of time. Apparently, he is a minority amoung ponies.
The weird thing is that time does go faster when ponies sing. No one has been able to explain it, either with science or magic. The only thing that is known is that ponies are their most productive when singing.
Note: the lyrics I have come up with are as follows:
FH: If you want to be a proper princess
SV: I want to a proper prince
FH: Well, if you want to a proper royal, Then listen to what I say
FH: A proper princess always sits up straight
SV: A proper prince is never late
FH: A proper princess always smiles with grace
As you can see, I’m shit at coming up with lyrics.