On a side note, it seems they were attacked recently, a hostile native to the planet tried to infiltrate their base. It seems the Zebra “Natare” is quite the crack shot. She seems to be one of the more cruel ones, shooting to incapacitate rather than kill. She took the hostile native captive, and took them back to her private quarters. Not much longer she was spotted trotting out of her quarters with her gut distended, showing the shape of her curled up captive, visibly shifting and squirming. She ate them alive.
How quaint.
They seem a lot more ruthless than the planet is, at least for now.
Further Observation is required, will report on any more instances down the line.
This is shaping up to be quite the experiment, I’m excited.
End Recording
And here is the first episode of what has happen so far!. I hope you all viewers get a kick from it all!, more updates coming when they come. xD
Anyways, lot of work on this one but man I been having fun with this one.
Special thanks too @postalpagepostoffice for the editor work.
Special thanks too @blissey1 for the editor work.
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