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Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #CE60 on image #1616199

Background Pony #CE60
Wait Rarity DOESN’T usually display strong traits as publicly as Applejack. Thank you for proving my point. Rarity is a character with an image, that lovely being pampered, served and sophisticatedly treated with class. All these examples including your own perfectly show that cannon Rarity would be the being carried and not Applejack.

Heck, there even cannon moments of her falling into the hooves/arms of other, hinting at a lthess controlling attitude that she is always known for.

In fact, all of those moments you use where she depends on only her strengths have been because nopony is around to help her or the times that the writers can't seem to write certain other characters as anything better than stupid and Rarity just happens to be only unharmed by the stupid writing. Don't know what I'm talking about, go rewatch Honest Apple.

I'm not saying Rarity is bad, no, no, far from it. She has always worked best with somepony supporting her. Most often the pony of choice that seems to help her is Applejack. The main reason this ship even exist is because how well these two work off each other. With Applejack being the strong arm yet stubbornly blunt one and Rarity being the brilliant yet fragile one.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #CE60
Background Pony #CE60
Wait Rarity DOESN’T usually display strong traits as publicly as Applejack. Thank you for proving my point. Rarity is a character with an image, that lovely being pampered, served and sophisticatedly treated with class. All these examples including your own perfectly show that cannon Rarity would be the being carried and not Applejack.

Heck, there even cannon moments of her falling into the hooves/arms of other, hinting at a less controlling attitude that she is always known for.

In fact, all of those moments you use where she depends on only her strengths have been because nopony is around to help her or the times that the writers can't seem to write certain other characters as anything better than stupid and Rarity just happens to be only unharmed by the stupid writing. Don't know what I'm talking about, go rewatch Honest Apple.

I'm not saying Rarity is bad, no, no, far from it. She has always worked best with somepony supporting her. Most often the pony of choice that seems to help her is Applejack. The main reason this ship even exist is because how well these two work off each other. With Applejack being the strong arm yet stubbornly blunt one and Rarity being the brilliant yet fragile one.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #CE60