Viewing last 25 versions of comment by That Little Faggot with the Earring and the Makeup on image #1715448

That Little Faggot with the Earring and the Makeup
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Entry Of The Chameleons
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) [bq]
She was so evil that she refused to hurt a puppy. [/bq]
it is not that she didn't want to hurt Spike (yet), but that she thought he wasn't worth her time. she prolly would have threatened to hurt Spike if Twilight did not give her the crown. I can just hear it now: “Last chance, princess. Give me the crown, _or I'll clobber this dirty mutt!_”

and for the Dazzlings, she really didn't care to give them a second chance. when they were defeated, she could've been reminded of her defeat and understood what they were going through at that moment. but no, she was being a smug, arrogant jerk to them and drove them out.

conversely, Starlight gave Chrysalis the opportunity to reform. and even though the Queen of the Changelings rejected it, at least the Glim isn't selective about who she shows empathy and compassion to... and isn't a hiney about it either.
No reason given
That Little Faggot with the Earring and the Makeup
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Entry Of The Chameleons
[bq="genervt"] "@DiscipleOfAndrewRyan":/1715448#comment_7232565
[bq] She was so evil that she refused to hurt a puppy. [/bq] it is not that she didn't want to hurt Spike (yet), but that she thought he wasn't worth her time. she prolly would have threatened to hurt Spike if Twilight did not give her the crown. I can just hear it now: “Last chance, princess. Give me the crown, _or I'll clobber this dirty mutt!_”

and for the Dazzlings, she really didn't care to give them a second chance. when they were defeated, she could've been reminded of her defeat and understood what they were going through at that moment. but no, she was being a smug, arrogant jerk to them and drove them out.

conversely, Starlight gave Chrysalis the opportunity to reform. and even though the Queen of the Changelings rejected it, at least the Glim isn't selective about who she shows empathy and compassion to... and isn't a hiney about it either.
No reason given