She climbing the bed, the bedsprings creaking and complaining under her weight; you inevitabling slipping in the occuring depression in the mattress and ending the night against the heavy, warm and gurgling mass of the plumped mare’s body.
I would hug and cuddle with her for hours, feeling all that comfy heat from the biological disintegration of all the cakes, pastries and who knows what else she stuffed herself with all day long. But she still needs help, her sugar addiction will have the best of her.
You ar5 ie dam great:)
Haha, you know, there’s so many things I would like to try, but unfortunately can’t really because muh low output.
Like exploring the mysteries of the plus-sized mareity, or taking commissions as of now.
Wuld love se ya do something like this :3
Sure she is. She’ll be our beloved sugar addicted pretty plumpy pony princess for the whole eternity.
She’s kinda cute and adorable do.t you think _
She climbing the bed, the bedsprings creaking and complaining under her weight; you inevitabling slipping in the occuring depression in the mattress and ending the night against the heavy, warm and gurgling mass of the plumped mare’s body.
“Who could not want”?
>nobody ever
Who could not want such pet? Or cuddle or rub her at least