“520 pounds?” She read aloud, letting her belly hang back down. Stepping off the scale, she could almost feel her whole body quake with even the smallest of footsteps. “You know, I’m really not too surprised. I am still a growing girl after all. I swear, it’s like I can actually feel myself getting fatter by the day sometimes. I hardly ever feel full these days.”
All of a sudden, almost like it was answering back, her tummy hungrily growled.
Rarity simply laughed before jokingly arguing back. “Don’t get mad at me, you’re the one who’s never satisfied.”
For crying out loud, will you stop with your ridiculous requests (or should I say “demands”)? It is long past annoying and if anything, you’re going to drive Neon out.
Rarity: Right, let’s see how big this gorgeous thing is.
Pats and rubs her stomach and steps onto the scales. Her tummy blocks her view of the numbers below.
Rarity: Bother. Oof.
She pushes her belly in and reads the results.
Rarity: Hmm. I could’ve sworn I’ve gained recently. Well, it looks like I’ll have to have 2 extra tubs of ice cream after every meal. That’ll fatten you up for sure.
Rarity’s BIG Fat belly is huge! You need to do a make a Fat Rainbow Dash, Fat Juniper Montage,Fat The Dazzlings,Fat Trixie Lulamoon,Fat Principal Celestia,Fat Vice Principal Luna,Fat Dean Cadence,Fat Flash Sentry,Fat Principal Cinch,Fat Gloriosa Daisy, Fat Timber Spruce,Fat Crystal Prep Girls,Fat other CHS Girls,Fat Wallflower Blush, Fat Starlight Glimmer,Fat Juniper Montage,Fat Vignette Valencia,Fat Demon Sunset Shimmer,Fat Midnight Sparkle,Fat Juniper Monstar and Fat Gaia Everfree!
Ok. Sorry. Please forgive me
Hey, I appreciate the kind words and enthusiasm, but you really need to chill out with the spamming.
Me too. I want that to happen to me
@James A Williams
Well, that seems like a workable solution. Still, she should probably add an extra course to every meal, just to be sure.
For crying out loud, will you stop with your ridiculous requests (or should I say “demands”)? It is long past annoying and if anything, you’re going to drive Neon out.
But I like chubby arms.
Pats and rubs her stomach and steps onto the scales. Her tummy blocks her view of the numbers below.
Rarity: Bother. Oof.
She pushes her belly in and reads the results.
Rarity: Hmm. I could’ve sworn I’ve gained recently. Well, it looks like I’ll have to have 2 extra tubs of ice cream after every meal. That’ll fatten you up for sure.
She rubs her belly again.
Oh will you knock it off.
Dude! Cut the guy some slack will you?