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Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Yet One More Idiot on image #1876530

Yet One More Idiot
Artist -

World's biggest idiot xD
"[@Runaway Train":](/1876530#comment_7714492
I suppose which you think might depend on your own geographic location. Europeans ~%^(and us Brits xD)^~% might tend to connect Mountains = Alps automatically, because they're so much closer by.
No reason given
Edited by Yet One More Idiot
Yet One More Idiot
Artist -

World's biggest idiot xD
"@Runaway Train":/1876530#comment_7714492
I suppose which you think might depend on your own geographic location. Europeans ~^(and Brits xD)^~ might tend to connect Mountains = Alps automatically, because they're so much closer by.
No reason given
Edited by Yet One More Idiot