XD My first ever original model for SFM that may or may not have been sitting on my old laptop for over a year. >.< But now I’m releasing him to the public for all you SFM Pony nuts who need a good villain you can have Bane I mean Chaos but please mention me. I love seeing what people do using my stuff. ^^
And for all you pony model makers I put the sources except the eye thing in the folder marked Armor. If you’ve made SFM ponies before you should know where to put them. ^^
However if you can’t you can always note me or leave a comment here if you want your OC in the armor but they must be made for SFM or something like that. It’s also important to note that the sources will only work on a male Stallion base model that will be solved in a later update again thank you for downloading and using this and good luck with Bane no Chaos. XD
Sincerely - XxZacharWxX