@Background Pony #3762
This parody account became my main since @darkdoomer got jacked, despite that filly one being less inclined to political correctness.
Basically I called MAP/Pedophile to get into a mental institution. That didn’t please them because Twitter consider pedophilia being a “gender or sexual orientation”.
This parody account became my main since @darkdoomer got jacked, despite that filly one being less inclined to political correctness.
Basically I called MAP/Pedophile to get into a mental institution. That didn’t please them because Twitter consider pedophilia being a “gender or sexual orientation”.
It’s a hidden reference for Patachu’s new Twitter, also a parody account, “@bestfilly”. That’s why he draws her so often.
It does appear to be “Best” something or other, so quite possibly yes. :)
diamond tiara’s cutie mark is a constellation of stars ♥