Darkest nightmare night nr 33.
This is it. My masterpiece for this Spooktober.
Featuring The pony of shadows, who, after absorbing the darkness of Ponyville, turned into the Shambler. One of the most notorious wandering, mid dungeon bosses from from Darkest dungeon.one who truly embodies the terror of the darkness itself.
Following the trend, around this malignety the party of four heroes have gathered, each dressed up as another Darkest Dungeon character.
Applejack the houndmaster, with her trusted hound Winona.
Flyttershy the swamp plauge doctor. bringing her soothing chemicals and slug bile bombs.
Rainbow Dash. Riposting like the highwaymare.
And Pinkie Pie … Being Pinkie Pie. The Jester who dances on the edge to her own morbid tunes.
All banding together in a desperate struggle to hold back the darkness.And stop it from absorbing all the loot (candy) this nightmare night.
Meanwhile, everyone else just looks on from the sidelines, wondering where the line goes between scary roleplay and nightmarish violence.
You’ll have to ask the shadows, they’re from the dark side of the moon, so…